When you meet Colesen Ford, you instinctively know that something very profound is happening in the North. At first, you may be taken with his exuberant energy. Or maybe the way he isn’t afraid to push back against systemic issues. But, when you start to understand more, like that he’s a graduate of the first ‘made-in-Yukon’ degree, from Canada’s first university North of 60°—and that he’s part of the first generation that has never lived under the Indian Act—it all starts to sink in. “The generation our ancestors talked about—Youth who would be living, breathing and exploring the Final Agreements—is here,” he said. Since graduating in 2021, the 21-year-old Kluane First Nation Citizen has been enthusiastically contributing his new knowledge to his Youth Councillor and communications coordinator roles in the Kluane First Nation. “Yukon is going to be an economic hub in the West. Full stop. Our Final Agreements are for all Yukoners and Canadians. Without the IGD, I wouldn’t have gotten that [full understanding] if I had left the Yukon.”
The Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance aims to build northern leadership capacity by providing students with the values, knowledge and skills to work collaboratively within the unique governance landscape of the North.
The program focuses on northern issues, and western and Indigenous worldviews. Using an Indigenous lens, students will analyze the evolution of Indigenous self-determination and self-government in Canada and internationally, with a focus on current and past legislation and policy.
A capstone project will focus on the task of integrating theoretical knowledge of policy, governance and self-determination with practical methods in an applied and northern context.
Many of the Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance courses are available through Distance Learning using web-conferencing or online courses. Students may participate in classes from home, any of our Yukon University campuses, or other off-campus locations.
Learn more about the computer and internet requirements for distance learning for the Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance program.
Email our E-learning Mentor to discuss Distance Learning expectations and support.
To receive a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance degree, a student must:
- Pass all the required courses (90 credits) including one of FNGA 341 or 342 and FNGA 343: Indigenous Governance Capstone.
- Complete 50% (45 credits) of the coursework through Yukon University (residency requirement) achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA upon graduation (C average).
- Successfully fulfill the Yukon First Nations core competency requirement.
Yukon University recognizes that a greater understanding and awareness of Yukon First Nations history, culture and journey towards self-determination will help to build positive relationships among all Yukon citizens. As a result, you will be required to achieve core competency in knowledge of Yukon First Nations.
For details, visit Yukon First Nations Core Competency
The Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance will produce leaders in governments and communities qualified to participate in the northern governance landscape and/or pursue further study in the field.
All students will be equipped for management and leadership positions in Indigenous governments, municipal and territorial governments, as well as non-profit organizations operating in the context of Indigenous governance.
Students already holding these positions will refine their professional skills through academic research and practical applications.
Additional costs beyond Yukon University tuition are associated with this program of study. These costs include textbooks; materials, technology, and other non-instructional fees; and student union dues. The course outline for each individual class will contain detailed information regarding the costs specific to that course.
Tuition for credit programs is calculated per course credit. See money matters for more information.
Student financial awards
Education is an investment in your future, your family and your community. Yukon University is pleased to support that investment by offering some of the most competitive tuition rates in the country, as well as several student financial awards to help offset your educational and living costs.
Financial assistance
There are government programs, scholarships, bursaries, awards and First Nation funding available to financially support you throughout your academic career.
See money matters for more information, or talk to our financial advising staff in the Student Services Centre. Email or call 867 456 8574 to make an appointment.