ENVS 225 - Environmental Change and Fish and Wildlife Health

This course will be of interest to all northerners, but especially anyone interested in fisheries, wildlife, and land and resource management. The first half of the course covers the issue of long-range contaminants in northern ecosystems; what they are, where they come from, how they get here, the latest research results on levels and trends, and what it all means for northern fisheries and wildlife. The second half of the course covers a range of issues affecting the health of northern fish and wildlife including climate change, contaminants from mining, selected fish and wildlife diseases and other topics. The course will integrate both traditional knowledge and science. Students will have the opportunity to undertake practical activities and research in their own community.
This is a second-year level course and expectations are set accordingly. Students are assumed to have taken other university-level courses in addition to the prerequisites.

Prerequisite: ENGL 100

ENVS 225
CRN Instructional method Instructor Location Start date Seats available*
10140 HyFlex Tara Howatt Online/Video
Class schedule
Start date End date Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
F2F & Online Simultaneously A2204 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM - 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM - - - -
10141 HyFlex Tara Howatt Online/Video
Class schedule
Start date End date Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
F2F & Online Simultaneously A2204 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM - 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM - - - -