PHIL 230 - Bridging Knowledges

This course is designed to help students develop skills for understanding Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge systems. How do we communicate with each other across diverse worldviews? How do we ensure that Indigenous ways of knowing and being continue to survive and thrive? The course has a Yukon and Northern focus and draws on multiple Indigenous traditions to explore how power, dominant worldviews, globalization, and colonialism have shaped and continue to shape collaborative work and Indigenous governance. Students will leave the course with an understanding of ways of knowing and its value in personal, professional, and political contexts.

Prerequisites: ENGL 100 and one of: HIST 140, FNGA 100 or FNGA 101.

This is a second‐year course and expectations are set accordingly. Students are assumed to have taken other university‐level courses in addition to the named prerequisites. Students who do not meet the specified prerequisites may be admissable with permission.

Students who successfully complete this course will have achieved core competency in knowledge of Yukon First Nations. By the end of this course, students will have greater understanding and awareness of Yukon First Nations history, culture and journey towards self-determination. For details, please see

PHIL 230
CRN Instructional method Instructor Location Start date Seats available* Wait listed
10024 HyFlex David Silas Whitehorse (Ayamdigut)
10 0
Class schedule
Start date End date Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
F2F & Online Simultaneously A2204 - 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM - - - - -
Self Paced - - - - - - -