ACCT 220 - Intermediate Accounting |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
ACCT 300 - Computer Applications in Accounting |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
BOOK CE01 - Bookkeeping Fundamentals Level 1 |
Online/Video |
CS |
CS |
COMM 100 - Business Communications |
Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
COMP 161 - Microcomputer Applications for Business |
Online/Video |
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Cr |
ECDV 301 - Community Economic Development |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
ENGL 050 - College Writing Skills |
Online/Video |
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Cr |
ENGL 060 - Introduction to Literature |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
ENGL 100 - Academic Writing and Critical Thinking |
Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
ENGL 101 - Introduction to the Study of Literature |
Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
ENGL 220 - The North in Canadian Literature |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
FNGA 200 - Organizational and Community Wellness |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
FNGA 202 - Human Resources and Financial Accountability |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
FNGA 207 - Public Policy in Northern and Indigenous Context |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
FNGA 304 - Community and Economic Development |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
GEOL 108 - Earth Through Time |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
HIST 140 - History of Yukon First Nations and Self-Government |
Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
HIST 220 - History of the Canadian North |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
JUST CE114 - Responding with Resilience |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
JUST CE130 - Intimate Partner Violence & Family Law - Part 2 |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
JUST CE135 - Leading Through Fatigue, Complexity and Uncertainty |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
LANG 240 - Language Activism |
Online/Video |
S |
Cr |
MICR 110 - PowerPoint |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
MICR 200 - Intermediate Excel |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NOST 101 - The Circumpolar World |
Online/Video |
W S |
Cr |
NOST 229 - Special Topics in Northern Studies |
Online/Video |
S |
Cr |
NOST 325 - Contemporary Issues in the Circumpolar World II |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NOST 327 - Lands and Environments of the Circumpolar World II |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NOST 329 - Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar North II |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NS 200 - Indigenous Canada |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
NSCI 201 - Research Skills and Proposal Writing |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
PHIL 111 - History of Western Philosophy |
Online/Video |
S |
Cr |
PROJ 002 - Project Management Professional (PMP®) Exam Preparation |
Online/Video |
CS |
CS |
PROJ CE02 - Project Management for Administrative Professionals |
Online/Video |
CS |
CS |
PROJ CE06 - Project Communication & Stakeholder Management |
Online/Video |
CS |
CS |
PSYC 206 - Human Growth and Lifespan Development |
Online/Video |
S |
Cr |
RENR 301 - Special Topics in Renewable Resources |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
SOCI 104 - Social Problems |
Online/Video |
W |
Cr |
SW 200 - Introduction to Social Work |
Online/Video |
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WGST 101 - Introduction to Women's Studies 2 |
Online/Video |
W |
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WGST 240 - The Study of Men and Masculinities 1 |
Online/Video |
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WO 001 - Basic Small Water Systems Operations |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO 010 - Bulk Water Delivery |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO 026 - Math Review for Small Water Systems and Bulk Water Delivery - Two Day |
Online/Video |
CS |
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WO 031 - Water Treatment Level 1 & 2 |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO 031A - Water Treatment Level 1 and 2 - Asynchronous Online |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO CE61 - Leading and Managing in Public Operations 1: People |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO CE71 - Wastewater Collection Level 3 and 4 |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WO CE77 - Leading and Managing in Public Operations 2: Project Management |
Online/Video |
CS |
Cr |
WP 220 - Advanced Word Processing (Word) |
Online/Video |
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