Board of Governors

The Board of Governors acts on behalf of the public. As representatives from both the University and community, their role is to set and govern the University's mission and strategic plan. The Board is empowered by the Yukon University Act.

Board Members

David Morrison, Board Chair

David Morrison
Board Chair
Public member
Term ends February 7, 2026

Carol Geddes

Carol Geddes
Term ends September 25, 2026

Dr. Lesley Brown

Dr. Lesley Brown
President & Vice-Chancellor

Judy Gingell

Judy Gingell
Yukon First Nation member
Term ends: March 6, 2027

Placeholder profile image

Sharon Shadow
Yukon First Nation member
Term ends: August 7, 2027

Placeholder profile image

Michelle Parsons
Yukon First Nation member
Term ends: August 7, 2027

Placeholder profile image

Community member
To apply, please visit the Government of Yukon website

Mark Wedge, Communities Rep

Mark Wedge
Community member
Term ends: March 6, 2027

Placeholder profile image

Brenda Butterworth-Carr
Community member
Term ends: September 6, 2026

Tom Ullyett

Tom Ullyett
Public member
Term Ends: February 7, 2026

Christine Mahar, Public Rep

Christine Mahar
Public member
Term ends: March 6, 2027

Profile photo of Victoria B. Fred

Victoria B. Fred
Public member
Term Ends: July 12, 2026

Portrait of Jeff Wolosewich

Jeff Wolosewich
Senate member
Term ends April 17, 2027

Headshot of Sara McPhee-Knowles

Dr. Sara McPhee-Knowles
Faculty member
Term ends March 19, 2026

Headshot of Samara Robertson-Lawless

Samara Robertson-Lawless
Employee (non-faculty) member
Term ends April 30, 2026

Placeholder profile image

Student member

Jason Bilsky, Public Rep.

Jason Bilsky
General member
Term ends September 26, 2026

When the term of a member of the board expires, the member continues to serve until reappointed or re-elected or until a successor is appointed or elected (Yukon University Act, s.14(2)).

Board composition

The Board of Governors consisting of 17 voting members as follows:

  1. the chancellor;
  2. the president;
  3. ten persons who are appointed by the Commissioner in Executive Council
    • at least three of whom must be appointed from among persons nominated by at least one Yukon First Nation, and
    • at least three of whom must reside outside Whitehorse, each in a different community;
  4. one member of the senate who is elected by the members of the senate;
  5. one faculty member who is elected by the faculty members;
  6. one employee of the university who is elected by and from employees of the university who are not faculty members;
  7. one student who is elected by and from undergraduate students and graduate students, if any;
  8. one person who is elected by the members referred to in paragraphs (a) to (g), and who is not a student or an employee or officer of the university.
Appointment and election process

Appointed members: The Commissioner in Executive Council appoints 10 Board members. For more information and application, visit University Board of Governors (Yukon) | Government of Yukon.

Elected members: Faculty member, Employee Member, Student member, Senate member and one General Member are elected by members of their constituency within Yukon University (General member by Board members) For more information, see BOG 17.0 Board Member Selection Policy.

Membership Term: not to exceed 3 years (for a student member – 1 year); may be reappointed but must not hold office for more than three consecutive terms of office.

Board member personal attributes and competencies

The Board uses a strategic approach to ensure its composition addresses a range of skills and experiences to be able to assist the University in achieving its mission and strategic goals.

Desired skills and competencies of a Board member can be found in the Board policy BOG 17.0 Board Member Selection Process and the Board Skills Matrix.

Time commitment and membership benefits
  • The Board normally meets quarterly over an annual cycle from September to June. In addition, there is an annual 1-day retreat.
  • Each Board member normally sits on at least one Board committee as appointed by the Board; the Indigenous Advisory Circle of the Board is composed of all First Nation members of the Board.
  • The Board committees also meet quarterly from September to June, normally a week prior to the Board meeting.
  • One hour is normally needed to prepare for each Board and Board Committee meeting.
  • Special meetings may be called by the Chair.
  • Membership benefits include: honorarium for Board meetings (rates as per OIC 2020/31), annual Board training, one tuition-free University course per year, complimentary library card.

    Travel expenses for attending Board meetings are reimbursed in accordance with OIC 2020/31 and as per the current Yukon Government rates.

Board operations

Member duties and responsibilities, code of conduct, meeting procedures, and self—governing regulations are outlined in the Board of Governors Bylaws and, in more details, in the Board policies BOG 02.0 Board Member Responsibilities and BOG 05.0 Code of Conduct.

2024/2025 Board Meeting Dates
  • September 25, 2024
  • December 13, 2024
  • March 7, 2025
  • June 6, 2025

Board standing committees meet one week prior to these dates

Board committees

Board of Governors Declaration on Indigenization and Commitment to Reconciliation

The Yukon University Board of Governors shall work toward actively incorporating seven key Indigenous worldviews into the work the Board does.

Download the complete declaration