Animal care and use program

Yukon University (YukonU) is committed to providing humane treatment and care of animals in accordance with the standards and principles established by the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC). These standards and principles apply to all faculty, staff, students and affiliates that use of animals in teaching and research.

Yukon University Animal Care Committee (ACC) is seeking a YukonU representative who does not use animals in their University work (non-animal user) 
The principal role of the non-animal user member is to provide the perspective (including opinions and concerns) of the institutional community regarding animal-based research, teaching, or testing. An institutional representative not involved in animal-based activities is a member of the faculty or staff whose normal activities, past or present, do not depend on, or involve, animals for research, teaching, or testing. You can find details of the role of animal care committee members in the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) document “The Animal Care Committee and the Role of its Members”.  The YukonU ACC meets 3-4 times a year to make informed, ethical decisions with regard to the appropriateness of including animals in research and teaching activities. For more details of the ACC contact Valoree Walker, Research Ethics Coordinator.  

If you are a Yukon University or affiliated researcher or instructor, using vertebrates, certain invertebrates and fish, for any research or teaching purpose, a valid animal care protocol is required.

There are important responsibilities:

  • to ensure that good science is conducted
  • to meet ethical responsibilities for ensuring that every animal is treated humanely and not subjected to unnecessary pain or distress, and;
  • to work within the acceptable standards for experimental animal care and use

The CCAC program is based on scientific peer review, policy making, and responsibility at the institutional level, and they monitor compliance through their assessment program. Yukon University holds the CCAC Certificate of Good Animal Practice, indicating that it is in compliance with these national standards set by the CCAC. For projects funded by NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR, the University also complies with the conditions of the Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions.

Yukon University is certified by the Canadian Council on Animal Care as being in accordance with standards of GAP - Good Animal Practice®.  The CCAC assesses the University's animal care and use program every three years. The assessment is done by CCAC panels that include scientists, veterinarians and community representatives.  The panel inspects and reviews  animal research and any housing facilities with detailed reviews of animal use protocols, veterinarian reports and Animal Care Committee meeting documentation. Yukon University Animal Care and Use program had a virtual assessment conducted on June 8, 2021.  As of June 29, 2022, CCAC has certified that the YukonU ethical animal care and use program is in accordance with the standards of GAP-Good Animal Practice®.

The Animal Care Committee (ACC) appointed by, and accountable to, the Vice-Provost, Academic and Research, serves to ensure YukonU meets all regulatory requirements. The ACC conduct ethical reviews and monitors approved animal use protocols for activities involving animals in research and teaching (including field studies).

Occupational Health and Safety for Activities Involving Animals

Activities involving the care and use of animals in research and teaching involve particular health and safety risks not normally encountered in other activities. Individuals working with animals risk exposure to physical, chemical and biological hazards.  All animal care and use, including laboratory and field studies require occupational health and safety program. 

The degree of risk depends on:

  1. the nature of contact (direct or indirect) with animals, their tissues, excreta, body fluids, hair, animal cages, dander and
  2. the species involved

Occupational health and safety guidelines provide information and requirements for working safely with animals in the course of research and teaching.  

YukonU OH&S animal activities

This information should help you to understand:

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Physical Hazards associated with animal care and use
  • Animal behaviour and ways animals react or defend themselves, if a procedure causes pain, or they perceive their safety to be threatened;
  • Relevant aspects of safe handling and performance of manipulations;
  • Procedure for reporting animal related injuries;
  • Proper waste disposal procedures;
  • Zoonoses - recognize examples of animal infections that can be transmitted to humans;

Mandatory training is required for anyone planning activities involving animals for research and teaching.  This training includes a module addressing health and safety requirements.