November 2022

#GivingTuesday donations to YukonU will support hungry students

WHITEHORSE, YT — Today is #GivingTuesday and Yukon University is inviting Yukoners to interact with the university’s social media posts about today, share their personal story of gratitude or donate directly to support YukonU students in need.

YukonU President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Lesley Brown has committed to donate $1.00 for every social media interaction, gratitude story or direct donation received today up to a total of $500.

All #GivingTuesday donations will go towards emergency grocery cards for students and replenishing the Ayamdigut campus student food bank.

#GivingTuesday was created in 2012 by as a day that encourages people to do good. The idea caught on, and has grown around the world, inspiring hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. Today, it manifests as a day of giving.

Communities across Northern Canada are witnessing first-hand the devastating impacts a changing climate is having across Arctic ecosystems. Livelihoods, Indigenous culture, social relations, food security, health, well-being      and a way of life, which have existed for generations are all being impacted.

Today, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, was joined by his colleagues in releasing the Northern Canada Chapter of the Canada in a Changing Climate: Regional Perspectives Report to help inform and support adaptation to climate change in Canada’s North.

WHITEHORSE, YT—Yukon University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Lesley Brown has announced several changes to the roles and structure of the senior team leading the Canada’s first university north of 60.

Dr. Shelagh Rowles has accepted a three-year appointment to the position of Provost and Vice-President Academic. Dr. Rowles holds an Interdisciplinary Ph.D from the University of Saskatchewan in the field of history, public policy, and innovation and has been with the university since 1991.