Search Yukon University Experts

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Photo of Kathryn

Dr. Kathryn (Katie) Aitken
B.A.A., B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD

Assistant Professor, Environmental and Conservation Sciences Program
School of Science

Field of expertise

  • environmental science
  • ecology
  • animal behaviour
  • conservation biology
  • general biology
  • ornithology
  • wildlife ecology

Areas of interest

  • bird biology
  • ornithology
  • community ecology
  • population ecology
  • disturbance ecology
  • cavity-nesting birds and mammals
  • resource selection
  • habitat selection
  • science communication
Photo of Davon

Dr. Davon Callander

Manager, Research & Scholarly Activity Services
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • embryology
  • neuroscience
  • marine biology
  • eDNA

Areas of interest

  • research administration
  • invasive species
  • genomic regulation of stress response
  • climate change
  • conservation
Photo of Fabrice

Dr. Fabrice Calmels

Research Chair, Permafrost and Geoscience
School of Science
Applied Science and Management

Field of expertise

  • permafrost
  • geoscience

Areas of interest

  • permafrost studies
  • geomorphology
  • climate change
  • geoscience
  • northern environments
  • transportation infrastructure
  • geohazards
Photo of Victoria

Dr. Victoria Castillo

Assistant Professor, Anthropology
School of Liberal Arts

Field of expertise

  • anthropology
  • archaeology

Areas of interest

  • anthropology of gender
  • historical archaeology
  • heritage and culture programming
  • northwestern Canadian early colonial period
Photo of Joel

Dr. Joel Cubley

Associate Professor, Earth Sciences
Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining

Field of expertise

  • geoscience
  • mineral exploration

Areas of interest

  • mineralogy/petrology
  • structural geology
  • regional tectonics
  • economic geology
Photo of Eric

Eric Hoogstraten

Department Head, Southern Campuses
Community Education and Development - Southern

Field of expertise

  • imaging
  • land-based education
  • safety training
  • risk mitigation
  • geo-tourism
  • land management
  • technical rope access

Areas of interest

  • commercial and technical photography
  • outdoor pursuit
  • experiential and environmental education program development consulting
  • consulting for outdoor adventure tourism businesses/organizations
  • BC provincial emergency program search and rescue field team leader on technical or remote rescues
  • founding member Inuvik GSAR
  • consulting on risk management in experiential settings mountain guide
  • consulting and providing training in vertical structure rigging
  • rigging for rescue
  • cinematic work and rigging
  • safety supervision in the vertical environment
  • risk analysis
  • accident management
  • helicopter sling rescue board training for boards dealing with land and resource management
Photo of Brian

Brian Horton

Manager, Climate Change Research
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • climate change
  • climate change policy
  • geography

Areas of interest

  • climate risk assessment
  • climate change adaptation
  • northern resilience
  • hydrology
Photo of Dana

Dana Jennejohn
R.S.W., M.S.W.

Senior Instructor, Bachelor of Social Work
School of Health, Education and Human Services

Field of expertise

  • social work

Areas of interest

  • northern and rural social work practice
  • social work ethics
  • field education
  • direct social work practice
  • generalist social work practice in rural and northern settings
  • social work theory
Photo of Vladimir

Dr. Vladimir Kabanov

Laboratory Technician
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • chemistry
  • nanoscience
  • spectroscopy
  • photochemistry
  • quantum chemistry

Areas of interest

  • photodynamic processes
  • singlet oxygen
  • plasmonics
  • host-guest chemistry
  • colloidal nanomaterials
  • systems chemistry
  • chemistry education
  • science outreach
Photo of Lisa

Dr. Lisa Kanary
B.Sc., PhD

Assistant Professor, Business Administration
School of Business and Leadership

Field of expertise

  • applied mathematics
  • applied modelling

Areas of interest

  • population modelling
  • differential equations
  • statistics
Photo of Cyrielle

Cyrielle Laurent

Research Professional, Geospatial Technology
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • mapping
  • geoscience

Areas of interest

  • geographic information systems
  • mapping
  • drones
Photo of Michelle

Dr. Michelle Leach

Scientific Director, SPOR Support Unit
SPOR, Health Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • genetics
  • immunology
  • health and wellness
  • health policy

Areas of interest

  • infectious diseases
  • genetic diseases
  • impacts of climate change on infectious diseases
  • community-based research
  • knowledge translation
  • data analysis
Photo of Ellorie

Dr. Ellorie McKnight

Education and Research Project Coordinator
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • climate change
  • limnology
  • ecology

Areas of interest

  • community-based research
  • climate change policy 
  • climate change education
  • northern hydrology
Photo of Sara

Dr. Sara McPhee-Knowles

Assistant Professor, Bachelor of Business Administration
School of Business and Leadership

Field of expertise

  • public administration
  • public policy
  • applied modelling

Areas of interest

  • public policy and public administration
  • Canadian government
  • business and government interaction
  • economics
Photo of Doug

Doug McRae

Senior Instructor, Heavy Equipment Technician
School of Trades, Technology and Mining

Field of expertise

  • vocational training
  • heavy equipment technologies

Areas of interest

  • skilled trades
  • skilled technologies
  • skills competencies canada
  • heavy vehicle service and repair
  • adult education
Photo of Chad

Dr. Chad Morgan

Senior Instructor, Earth Sciences
Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining

Field of expertise

  • geoscience
  • Invertebrate Palaeontology

Areas of interest

  • biostratigraphy
  • trilobite palaeontology
  • micropalaeontology
  • ichnology
  • carbonate sedimentology/petrology
  • taxonomy and evolution
Photo of Dave

Dave Mossop
B.Sc.H., M.Sc.

Biology Instructor, Professor Emeritus
School of Science

Field of expertise

  • endangered species
  • conservation biology
  • ornithology

Areas of interest

  • endangered bird species
  • population ecology
Photo of Guillaume

Dr. Guillaume Nielsen

Industrial Research Chair
Northern Mine Remediation
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • mining
  • heavy metals
  • passive treatments
  • remediation

Areas of interest

  • northern mine remediation
  • water treatment
  • soil treatment
  • revegetation
  • community engagement
Photo of Alison

Alison Perrin
M.Sc., PhD Candidate.

Senior Research Professional, Northern Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • climate change
  • science policy

Areas of interest

  • community adaptation
  • climate change policy
  • research policy
  • community-based research
  • qualitative research methods
Photo of Ernie

Dr. Ernie Prokopchuk

Assistant Professor, Chemistry
School of Science

Field of expertise

  • chemistry

Areas of interest

  • transition metal coordination chemistry
  • chemical synthesis
  • chemical education
  • chemistry outreach
Photo of Andrew

Dr. Andrew Richardson

Dean, Applied Arts Division
Applied Arts

Field of expertise

  • English
  • literature

Areas of interest

  • modernist and contemporary British and postcolonial literatures
  • science fiction/speculative fiction
  • poststructuralism and critical theory
Photo of Andrew

Dr. Andrew Roebuck
M.A., PhD

Assistant Professor , Psychology
School of Liberal Arts

Field of expertise

  • behavioural neuroscience
  • psychology

Areas of interest

  • learning and memory
  • cognition
  • cannabis
  • epilepsy
  • schizophrenia
Photo of Michael

Dr. Michael Ross
P.Eng., B.A.Sc., M.Eng., PhD

Industrial Research Chair in Northern Energy Innovation
School of Science
Applied Science and Management

Field of expertise

  • electrical engineering
  • applied modelling

Areas of interest

  • power systems engineering
  • renewable generation
  • remote power systems
  • smart grids
  • microgrids
  • energy storage
  • demand-side management
Photo of Shelagh

Dr. Shelagh Rowles

Provost and Vice-President Academic
Academic and Provost Division

Field of expertise

  • technology

Areas of interest

  • technology and the future of work
  • innovation in mining and construction
  • impact of new technologies on Yukon
Photo of Louis-Philippe

Louis-Philippe Roy

Research Professional, Hydrology
Permafrost and Geoscience
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • permafrost
  • geoscience

Areas of interest

  • permafrost
  • geomorphology
  • climate changes
  • paleoclimatology
  • community based reseach
  • geohazards
Photo of Mark

Mark Rutledge

Instructor, Multimedia Communications
School of Business and Leadership

Field of expertise

  • Indigenous knowledge
  • graphic design
  • photography
  • social transformation
  • international speaker/presenter

Areas of interest

  • artificial intelligence
  • decision-making
  • Indigenization
  • Indigenous art
  • Indigenous design advocacy
  • storytelling
  • mental health and wellness
  • youth leadership
Photo of Stephanie

Stephanie Saal

Research Professional, Northern Hydrology and Climate Change
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • geography

Areas of interest

  • GIS
  • remote sensing
Photo of Mary

Mary Samolczyk

Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences
School of Science

Field of expertise

  • geoscience
  • quaternary geology

Areas of interest

  • geomorphology
  • hydrogeology
  • soils
  • paleoenvironmental reconstruction
Photo of Fiona

Dr. Fiona Schmiegelow

Applied Science and Management

Field of expertise

  • landscape ecology
  • environmental science
  • endangered species
  • wildlife ecology
  • conservation biology
  • ecology

Areas of interest

  • northern ecosystems
  • northern resource management
  • land-use planning
  • environmental assessment
  • cumulative effects
  • wildlife conservation
  • science-policy interface
Photo of Jaclyn

Jaclyn Semple

Senior Instructor, Math and Physics
School of Science

Field of expertise

  • physics
  • mathematics
  • applied modelling

Areas of interest

  • computational condensed matter physics
  • wildland fire science
  • risk modelling
  • astronomy
Photo of Liris

Dr. Liris Smith
B.Sc., B.Sc.PT, M.Sc.PT, PhD

Assistant Professor
School of Health, Education and Human Services
Applied Arts

Field of expertise

  • health and wellness
  • community based research
  • health policy
  • physical therapy
  • physical activity
  • healthy aging

Areas of interest

  • physical activity
  • physical therapy
  • Indigenous health and wellness
  • community-based participatory research
  • healthy aging, health equity
Photo of Tara

Dr. Tara Stehelin
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD

School of Science
Applied Science and Management

Field of expertise

  • general biology
  • conservation biology
  • ecology
  • animal behaviour
  • genetics
  • ornithology

Areas of interest

  • impacts of climate change on animals
  • conservation biology
  • cell biology
  • ornithology
  • animal behaviour
  • migration and communication in birds
  • genetics
Photo of Benoit

Dr. Benoit Turcotte
P.Eng., PhD

Senior Research Professional, Hydrology and Climate Change
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • river and river ice engineering
  • hydrology
  • applied modelling

Areas of interest

  • flood risk mapping and assessment
  • flood mitigation for communities and transportation infrastructure
  • flood forecasting - open water and ice jams
  • impact of climate change on hydrological processes
  • river morphology and sediment transport assessments
  • winter flow estimation
  • hydrodynamic and river ice modelling for engineering design
Photo of Jason

Jason Zrum

Research Analyst
Northern Energy Innovation
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • mechanical engineering
  • electrical engineering

Areas of interest

  • power systems engineering
  • power systems modeling and analysis
  • renewable generation
  • energy storage
  • remote power systems
  • demand-side management
  • energy systems
  • thermofluid systems
  • buildings engineering