Dr. Kathryn (Katie) Aitken
B.A.A., B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD
Assistant Professor, Environmental and Conservation Sciences Program
School of Science
Field of expertise
- environmental science
- ecology
- animal behaviour
- conservation biology
- general biology
- ornithology
- wildlife ecology
Area of interest
- bird biology
- ornithology
- community ecology
- population ecology
- disturbance ecology
- cavity-nesting birds and mammals
- resource selection
- habitat selection
- science communication

Dr. Davon Callander
Manager, Research & Scholarly Activity Services
YukonU Research Centre
Field of expertise
- embryology
- neuroscience
- marine biology
- eDNA
Area of interest
- research administration
- invasive species
- genomic regulation of stress response
- climate change
- conservation

Dr. Fabrice Calmels
Research Chair, Permafrost and Geoscience
School of Science
Applied Science and Management
Applied Science and Management
Field of expertise
- permafrost
- geoscience
Area of interest
- permafrost studies
- geomorphology
- climate change
- geoscience
- northern environments
- transportation infrastructure
- geohazards

Dr. Victoria Castillo
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
School of Liberal Arts
Field of expertise
- anthropology
- archaeology
Area of interest
- anthropology of gender
- historical archaeology
- heritage and culture programming
- northwestern Canadian early colonial period

Dr. Joel Cubley
Associate Professor, Earth Sciences
Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining
Field of expertise
- geoscience
- mineral exploration
Area of interest
- mineralogy/petrology
- structural geology
- regional tectonics
- economic geology