Browse Yukon University Experts

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Photo of Chad

Dr. Chad Morgan

Senior Instructor, Earth Sciences
Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining

Field of expertise

  • geoscience
  • Invertebrate Palaeontology

Area of interest

  • biostratigraphy
  • trilobite palaeontology
  • micropalaeontology
  • ichnology
  • carbonate sedimentology/petrology
  • taxonomy and evolution
Photo of Dave

Dave Mossop
B.Sc.H., M.Sc.

Biology Instructor, Professor Emeritus
School of Science

Field of expertise

  • endangered species
  • conservation biology
  • ornithology

Area of interest

  • endangered bird species
  • population ecology
Photo of Guillaume

Dr. Guillaume Nielsen

Industrial Research Chair
Northern Mine Remediation
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • mining
  • heavy metals
  • passive treatments
  • remediation

Area of interest

  • northern mine remediation
  • water treatment
  • soil treatment
  • revegetation
  • community engagement
Photo of Alison

Alison Perrin
M.Sc., PhD Candidate.

Senior Research Professional, Northern Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre

Field of expertise

  • climate change
  • science policy

Area of interest

  • community adaptation
  • climate change policy
  • research policy
  • community-based research
  • qualitative research methods
Photo of Ernie

Dr. Ernie Prokopchuk

Assistant Professor, Chemistry
School of Science

Field of expertise

  • chemistry

Area of interest

  • transition metal coordination chemistry
  • chemical synthesis
  • chemical education
  • chemistry outreach