Research Chair in Health

lirisStarting in 2021, the YukonU Research Centre, in collaboration with YSPOR (Yukon Strategy for Patient Oriented Research), developed a health research program. This program is made possible through Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) funding that supports health research that is co-created with People with Lived Experience (PWLE). The Health Research Chair, Dr. Liris Smith and her team, work in partnership with PWLE, communities, health providers and governments to conduct research based on the health priorities of Yukoners.  

The research aims to take a northern approach using methods that support Indigenous ways of knowing and doing, as well as leading edge academic knowledge in the field of health. The health research chair is funded by YSPOR to support the philosophy of Patient Oriented Research and allow Yukon to develop health research capacity and support the development of northern and Indigenous research.   

A northern approach to the unique challenges of health services is essential to supporting the health and wellness of Yukoners.