Paulatuk power system impact study

PaulatukThe Hamlet of Paulatuk is located upon the coast of the Beaufort Sea within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region of Canada’s Northwest Territories.

The Paulatuk Energy Working Group, along with Northwest Territories Power Corporation and other project stakeholders have commissioned this study to investigate potential impacts of integrating a proposed wind energy project upon Paulatuk’s electric power system.   

Northern Energy Innovation’s studies include: i) a power flow (analytical) study, ii) a quasi-static time series analysis (steady-state) study, iii) an electromagnetic transient study (dynamic), iv) and a protection system (analytical and dynamic) study.  We anticipate completing our report in late 2023.

Project team

Dr. Michael Ross, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Northern Energy Innovation, YukonU Research Centre (YRC)

Jason Zrum, Project Lead, Senior Research Professional, Northern Energy Innovation, YukonU Research Centre

Simon Geoffroy-Gagnon, Research Analyst, Northern Energy Innovation, YRC

Geoff Cartwright, Research Analyst, Northern Energy Innovation, YRC

Andrew MacMillan, Research Assistant, Northern Energy Innovation, YRC

Bastien Letowski, Research Assistant, Northern Energy Innovation, YRC

Partners and funders

Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Funder)
Hamlet of Paulatuk (Funder)

Northwest Territories Power Corporation

Paulatuk Energy Working Group