Yukon College’s Community Challenge attracts record number of teams

WHITEHORSE− Pumping weights, running laps, and preparing goofy costumes, a record number of Community Challenge teams are getting ready for Rendezvous! Since last year the teams have doubled, at 12 registered thus far.

The Yukon College Community Challenge is set to take place during this weeks’ Sourdough Rendezvous on Saturday Feb. 23 at 1:30 p.m.

Teams from Northwestel, Westmark Hotel, Yukon Employees Union, Wines by Design; Shay-per Esthetics, Ramada Inn, City of Whitehorse, and the Canadian Forces, plus four teams from Yukon College will face off against each other in wacky events that will challenge participants’ brains as well as their brawn.

Northwestel’s Team Captain, Emily Younker is confident that team Northogwartstel’s magical powers will spur them to victory. Will the Northern Defenders beat all challengers and retain their crown, or will the youthful energy of the Yukon College students win out? Or, could the challenge veterans, the Beaver Cleavers from Shay-per finally take top spot? And, is there any truth to the rumour that the City of Whitehorse is importing players from down south? Come out and check out the competition, and see who takes the prize money.

“We are overwhelmed with the enthusiastic response from the community in revitalizing this Rendezvous event,” said Jacqueline Bedard, director of College Relations.  “Arrive early - we have a surprise event planned, perhaps never before seen in Yukon!”

As part of its 50th Anniversary Celebrations, Yukon College is welcoming everyone - young and young-at-heart alike - to come out and enjoy the fun during this year’s Community Challenge.  It all takes place in front of the Gazebo at Shipyards Park.

It’s not too late to prepare for battle. Just gather your friends and register online at www.www.yukoncollege.yk.ca under Community Hub.


For more information, contact:

Eileen Melnychuk
Community Challenge Coordinator
Yukon College

Michael Vernon
Communications Coordinator
College Relations
Yukon College

Jacqueline Bedard
College Relations
Yukon College