Yukon College Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2013

Whitehorse – This year Yukon College turns 50. It all began on June 11, 1963, with the opening of the Yukon Vocational and Technical Training Centre on the banks of the Yukon River (now the Yukon Education building), then came university-level courses and campuses in the communities, until increasing public demand for post-secondary education led to the creation of a territorial college in 1983.

“To celebrate our 50-year milestone we have activities planned throughout the year,” said Jacqueline Bedard, director of College Relations, “Starting with launch of our Amazing Alumni campaign and wrapping up with a big 50th Birthday Bash and YC Student Reunion on November 29th.”

To kick off the year, Yukon College has become a Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous partner. The corporate challenge is rebranded the Yukon College Community Challenge and is expected to be a lively event with competitions to be announced in the coming weeks. 

As well, the College is sponsoring the ‘Party on the Waterfront’ band, Hey Ocean! and the Queen’s luncheon, held annually in the Kinnikinnick Kaff at the Whitehorse campus. Watch out for the College float in the Rendezvous Parade – construction is currently underway by an enthusiastic group of volunteers.

“We all want to get involved!” said Tammi Wallace, Bookstore manager. “I leapt at the opportunity to work with Wayne Schmidt from Trades to create a float. It’s crazy fun!”

The Amazing Alumni campaign will be an ongoing event throughout 2013. The Yukon we know and love today was built by many of those who attended the Vocational and Technical Training Centre or Yukon College in the past 50 years. People are encouraged come forward and share their story of attending Yukon College.

“We want to hear from everyone who found success through attending the College – from those who took the first carpentry, mechanical and office admin programs in the 1960s, to their children and grandchildren who attended in more recent years,” said Bedard. “The anniversary is an opportunity for Yukoners to reconnect with the College and reflect on how their experience here has made a positive impact in their lives.”

All Amazing Alumni submissions will be entered into a draw and prizes will be awarded on November 29, at the 50th Birthday Bash and Student Reunion. First prize is two flights to Las Vegas!

For more information on the Amazing Alumni campaign and all the 50th Anniversary activities check out www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/50/.


Michael Vernon
Communications Coordinator
College Relations

Jacqueline Bedard
College Relations
Yukon College


Yukon College at 50 – Fast Facts

• Approximately 100 students attended the Yukon Vocational and Training Centre in 1963.
• Jack Bredin was the first principal of the Centre.
• The Centre employed 12 faculty, 4 Administrators, and 7 support staff.
• In 1963 the population of Yukon was 14,900.
• In 2013 the estimated Yukon population is 35,924.
• In 2011/12 at Yukon College there were 1,212 students in credit programs and 4,556 students in non-credit programs for a total of 5,768.
• In 2013, Yukon College employs 614 people, 280 of which are faculty.
• Including Ayamdigut (Whitehorse) campus there are 13 Yukon College campuses throughout the territory.