Culinary arts students win awards

Yukon College is cooking up its first awards ceremony for graduates of the Culinary Arts program. Partnerships with Sysco Edmonton and the Rendezvous Rotary Club of Whitehorse have resulted in awarding bursaries to two Culinary Arts graduates.

Gabriel Hajian and Shea Hierlihy will be given their bursaries on Tuesday, June 14 at an awards ceremony at Yukon College. Hajian was chosen to receive the $500 bursary from Sysco Edmonton for his dedication and high grade point average. Hajian is considering the new Food and Beverage program that will be offered at the College this fall. Hierlihy was chosen for the $750 bursary for her organizational skills and drive. She plans to continue in her field to become a Red Seal Chef.

“These students have been so dedicated to their studies that they blew us away – their work ethic was outstanding”, said Ryan Cumming, Instructor, Culinary Arts.

These bursaries will now be awarded annually to students in the Culinary Arts program. “I am thrilled to have organizations acknowledge Culinary Arts with bursaries for our students – students who will continue to work hard in such a rewarding field”, said Brigitte Kollner, Coordinator, Culinary Arts.