Hilltop Bistro Gives Culinary Arts Students Practical Learning

Whitehorse – Yukon College announces the opening of its new culinary arts training facility, the “Hilltop Bistro”, which provides a practical environment for students. The facility is newly renovated with a fine dining room, a bar, and a gallery that exhibits and features local artists.


Under the direction of Gene Batten the facility provides the culinary arts students with experience in preparing and serving food and beverages for public events. “Our college programs intend to provide our students with practical knowledge and skills that will prepare them to be job ready and employable for when they graduate,” says Gene Batten, Chair of Management, Tourism, and Hospitality at Yukon College. To date, the students have practiced their skills with Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, UNBC, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, and a Yukon College luncheon for high school principals.


The walls of the dining room display art from a local artist for a period of seven weeks. Joyce Majiski is the first artist who has initiated the new walls this term with her installation of caribou prints. The featured artist can be seen on the College homepage or at the facility entrance. Artists may contact Jacqueline Bedard or collegerelations@yukoncollege.yk.ca



The Hilltop Bistro is available for public access for catered events through appointment with Gene Batten.


Ann Bowen

Coordinator, College Relations

Yukon College

867 668 8786

