Yukon College Prepares for Possible Second Wave of H1N1
Over the past few months, Yukon College has been working with the local Pandemic Planning Coordinator, the Department of Health and Social Services and the Yukon Medical Officer of Health to prepare for a possible second wave of the H1N1 virus and the upcoming fall and winter flu season.
Colleen Wirth, Director of Student Services, says staff and students are receiving the information they need to reduce their risk of contracting or spreading flu viruses.
“We want to do everything we can to ensure the health and well-being of our students, staff and faculty,” Wirth says.
Yukon’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Brendan Hanley will speak and take questions about H1N1 during Student Orientation. The discussion will take place in the Pit on September 14th at 12 p.m.
The College is sending an email to registered students this week, containing general information on H1N1 and frequently asked questions. A direct link to Yukon Health and Social Services has been placed on the Yukon College website.
Wall-mounted hand sanitizers have been installed in the Ayamdigut campus, as well as in the community campuses; around entrances, bathrooms and other pertinent areas.
Research shows that washing hands with liquid soap and water is one of the easiest ways to reduce the spread of infections; however it can be difficult to ensure consistent and effective hand washing. Hand sanitizers are useful to use after opening doors and holding stair railings.
Students in health programs will soon incorporate preventative information such as hand washing in their program activities. Four Yukon College staff members have also attended a Yukon Government Workplace Risk Assessors Training course.
A regular flu clinic will be setup in the First Nations Lounge at the College on October 13th from 9:00-6:00PM. An H1N1 clinic will be established when priorities are set by Yukon Health and Social Services.
For more information on H1N1 please visit: