The purpose of this policy is to establish the roles and responsibilities of Yukon University’s Senate and to the extent necessary authorize the Senate to act on any matter related to academic standards, student conduct, and policy decisions related to certificate, diploma and degree programs at Yukon University.
See the Academic Regulations policy
Yukon University holds itself and its students to high standards of conduct, and is shaped by our shared values of innovation and discovery, inclusiveness and diversity, leadership, northern identity, integrity and academic freedom, health and wellness, and achievement and academic excellence. The University expects students to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with these values to build and sustain a working and learning environment where students, faculty, staff, and the institution can thrive.
See the Student Non-Academic Misconduct policy
Yukon University Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics has been developed in collaboration between Yukon University and the Yukon University Employees Union (Public Service Alliance of Canada) and embodies an underlying belief that each member of the University Community has a right to dignity and respect. The Code intends to be educational and aspirational and convey to members of the University Community the climate we foster and the ethical principles and guidelines of conduct we embrace. The purpose of the Code is to outline responsibilities, expectations and preferred practices, including guiding principles for appropriate organizational behaviour.
The Code of Ethics applies to the Employer, the Yukon University Employees Union, and to all employees, students, contractors, volunteers and partners (“the University Community”). The University is committed to maintaining a positive, healthy and respectful environment for members of the University community. The Code lays down general principles which can be used to determine action consistent with high standards and values. It seeks to articulate commonly held values which are central to the culture of the University. The Code embodies the promotion of a set of core values relevant to the University’s mission of providing high quality learning opportunities. Underlying the Code is a belief that each member of the University Community has a right to dignity and respect. The Code is intended to provide guidance and assistance in determining conduct and behaviour, however, the Code is not a substitute for the active process of ethical decision-making on the part of members of the University Community.
Students, fellow employees and other members of the University Community are treated with consideration and in a fair and just manner. High regard for the rights and opinions of others and mutual respect is demonstrated.
Behaviour that communicates acceptance and accommodation of diversity will be the norm.
The diversity of all members of the University Community – and the uniqueness of culture, ethnicity, religion, race and sexual orientation is respected. A work and study environment free from discrimination and harassment is promoted. Positive regard for the diversity of background, experience and opinion is inherent in the University Community.
Recognition that citizenship involves responsibility for building community and participating in the civic life of the University Community. Communications that support an environment characterized by respect and civility is encouraged.
Aggressive behaviours (physical, verbal or emotional) are not acceptable. Members of the University Community are committed to the peaceful resolution of conflict and differences.
A culture of openness which aims at ensuring that matters connected with the operation of the University can be discussed frankly among members of the University Community is encouraged. Appropriate openness in communication and action is expected.
Truthfulness with members of the University Community and members of the public is demonstrated. Accurate statements and accounts of the College are provided to audiences to whom they are directed.
Respect for the privacy and confidentiality rights of other members of the University Community. Confidential information is used only for the purposes for which it was originally provided and shared only with authorized parties on a need to know basis unless consent is given or required by law. Respect for the property rights and possessions of others within the University Community.
Promotes the practices of dialogue, discourse and mutual agreement wherever possible. Commitment to collaborative arrangements benefiting the institution, its members and especially its students.
Conflicts of interest are avoided. The professional autonomy of fellow employees and other members of the University Community are respected. Professional integrity is demonstrated.
Employees provide services within the boundaries of their competencies and to the best of their abilities.
The power inherent in positions is not exploited. The safety and security of the University environment is a responsibility of all members of the University Community. The University’s mandate of public service is promoted. Fiduciary relationships and resulting responsibilities, including those relating to students, are respected and upheld.
These applications are not inclusive of every situation; rather they are intended to provide examples of ways the Code may be applied. Where a simple or direct application of the Code is not possible, or where there are questions or uncertainties regarding its application, members of the University Community are encouraged to seek clarification and assistance.